Why Research Matters to Your Brand
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts. If you’ve decided that its time to review your brand’s performance and invest in a brand audit, then make sure you also invest in doing the research.
Are you experiencing symptoms of brand fog?
Brand fog is something that happens to organizations over time. There are symptoms, but as time marches on, you chalk up each to just a phase, not realizing the overall impact to your business and its future.
When to Invest in a Brand Audit
Every year organizations invest in a financial audit to assess their financial health. No one questions the good sense of a financial audit.
Why you need to tell a story to sell your brand
Think back to something important in your life. There is a story there in your memory isn’t there? You may not remember all the facts and figures. But you remember the story — what you were doing when it happened, who was involved, how you felt and how it changed your life.
Six Factors for Choosing a Brand Architecture
We’re often asked to help our clients bring clarity to a brand architecture that has become muddled as a result of acquisitions, product/service brands or multiple divisions.
7 Ways to Build Brand Resilience
Resilience is the quality of bouncing back, the snapback in elastic bands and a baby’s cheek. In people, it’s the ability to survive failure or problems because their self-esteem and reputation have been honestly earned over time by repeatedly rising above challenges and working for their success.